Around this time of year many communities now celebrate Seedy Saturday a local exchange of seeds collected by backyard gardeners and small scale farmers. Only a few short years ago I remember Seed Saturday being a tiny gathering that likely meant a long day cooped up in some tiny community hall (the packing house in my hometown) with grandmothers who gardened to save on the grocery bill before it was the ‘in’ thing to do. Today it’s a highly publicized, busy event that hosts workshops, demonstrations and seeds from all sorts of people.
It is encouraging to say the least. Sort of.
I have my basket of seeds that will all be sown directly in the ground as I am terrible at starting anything in pots. I leave my seed germination largely up to the talents of Mother Nature, after all she knows best.
I’m not much of a vegetable grower. I pretty much limit my vegetable growing to potatoes and parsley. My seeds are mostly herbs and edible flowers. Now that I have settled into a place I’ve drawn a garden (it’s a beautiful drawing shame I can’t share it) that I have been planning all winter. It is a well thought out garden. Two gardens actually both being beautiful flower gardens at a glance but anyone in the know will recognize the greater purpose of the pretty flowers and greenery.
I’ve made the call to my local utilities and they have sent me the cryptic maps now all that is left is to rototil. The whole yard….