
Random Break the Mould Thoughts

If you could live as though money were no object how would you live? In a home, not too big, with a wood stove and a well. Large yards permaculture landscaped.I would stay home with my children and teach them about the world. Do crafts, projects, dioramas, read stories and other activities to facilitate learning.We would cook together and learn about food preparation. In the warm months we would spend our days in the garden…

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I bought a house!

Whew. After almost 4 years of searching and being indecisive I finally got off the pot and did it. I committed. I tied myself down. I moved all my stuff out of storage and into my very own home. The plan is to not move again until my kids are out of elementary school at least. With a move there are always projects. The things you want to do to make better, make it livable…

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Dry clothes forever for $40 and some time

I finally did it. I hung a clothesline. I now have a 40ft made mostly by nature clothes dryer and it cost me $40 whole dollars. It was surprisingly easy to hang also granted I had some help. First we screwed in two hooks to studs coming off the house and the garage one of said studs was high up so there was some precarious ladder climbing involved. We thread the wire through each of…

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Earthship Darfield

Someone near us is building an earthship and they want you to come and see what they are doing! If you have seen the movie ‘The Garbage Warrior‘ then you know what the heck I am talking about. If you haven’t the movie begs the question what do beer cans, car tires and water bottles have in common? Not much unless you’re renegade architect Michael Reynolds, in which case they are tools of choice for…

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101 Uses for Baking Soda

I buy baking soda in bulk. Someone once asked me why I had so much baking soda and I was thoroughly confused by their question. Doesn’t everyone?  There are so many uses for it.  Sometimes I think it can do anything and I recently found a list that proves that I am not far off on that thought. So without further ado here is the list from the zfactor of 101 uses for baking soda…

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