
ReThink, ReAction

I belong to a mailing list. Well several of them actually, don’t we all. And recently this email showed up in my inbox. I thought it was an excellent email, well formed (concise) and well put. I wanted to share it with you because it shows that some who are working for change truly do care about the bigger picture while others tend towards fanaticism and drama.

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Earthship Darfield

Someone near us is building an earthship and they want you to come and see what they are doing! If you have seen the movie ‘The Garbage Warrior‘ then you know what the heck I am talking about. If you haven’t the movie begs the question what do beer cans, car tires and water bottles have in common? Not much unless you’re renegade architect Michael Reynolds, in which case they are tools of choice for…

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Calling BS on Recycling

Penn and Teller had this wonderful program called BullShit! Sorry if that offends but that’s the name! They called Bullshit on recycling which was incredibly eye opening and SO true. Check it out here. So before you happily and blissfully throw all your ‘recyclables’ into that blue lidded bin think twice about where that yogurt container is going and what you want your sustainable solution to be. Check out these 5 recycling myths And these…

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