
My Top 3 Favorite Travel Notes to Self

Those 3 things and these 3 bags and I’m good to go anywhere really. Things I like to bring for travel/hotel rooms… In my Suitcase/Overnight Bag I often (almost always) toss a backpacking air mattress (Exped) and a sleeping bag into my car when I am going somewhere. When it’s cold I include a wool blanket. Honestly it has come in handy so many times. I can usually squish them both in my suitcase if…

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Urban Homestead

One of the many problems with living alone is that you don’t have anyone to bounce ideas off of. You can do whatever you want in an instant and the only flack you’ll get is from you. This can be good or it can be bad. Like when you decide to have 15 yards of gravel delivered maybe a second opinion is a good idea. Maybe 10 would be lots. And those life choices that…

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Dear Crayola…

Please stop making gimmicky felts that my children lose interest in almost immediately. It’s wasteful and makes me sad. Stick to what you are good at and cardboard containers only please. Thanks. These include the felts that are ‘invisible’ except when you draw on special paper, the felts that you ‘twist’ up to color with instead of putting a cap on, the felts that you press to another felt inside that makes it a different…

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Goats on the Mow

Next spring I hope to be able to tell you that instead of mowing your lawn with a gas powered lawn mower you have have it cut by some earth friendly goats. I’ve been working on the finer details but the jist is that 4-6 goats will come to your place and hang out for a day or so depending on the size of your yard. They’ll eat some grass, pass along some fertilizer which…

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Grey Water Collection

The water from our washing machine is going to be drained into a garbage can that sits beside it. There is room there because we don’t have a dryer. When I was hooking up the washing machine I discovered that what came out the back of it was a hose that I was supposed to shove into a tube that led to the sewer. What a waste! Not to mention that soap has long been…

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Dry clothes forever for $40 and some time

I finally did it. I hung a clothesline. I now have a 40ft made mostly by nature clothes dryer and it cost me $40 whole dollars. It was surprisingly easy to hang also granted I had some help. First we screwed in two hooks to studs coming off the house and the garage one of said studs was high up so there was some precarious ladder climbing involved. We thread the wire through each of…

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Calling BS on Recycling

Penn and Teller had this wonderful program called BullShit! Sorry if that offends but that’s the name! They called Bullshit on recycling which was incredibly eye opening and SO true. Check it out here. So before you happily and blissfully throw all your ‘recyclables’ into that blue lidded bin think twice about where that yogurt container is going and what you want your sustainable solution to be. Check out these 5 recycling myths And these…

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